POSITIVISM was never a BIG WORD in my Vocabulary . Eversince i was young , i always look at things the NEGATIVE way, i know its not Healthy buy i can't help it .. I just think that way .
I was never a fan of Having this thing called "NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION" coz for me its just a waste of effort coz i know it aint gonna happen , i will end up screwing this Resolutions up ( Negativsm Strikes Again!) But this year , im making a CHANGE , i am Going to have some resolutions this year and hope to god i can follow it!
Why the sudden change of heart?
I was watching the News earlier this evening where they were Asking some Random Shoppers from the Mall and ask them their " New Years Resolution" , One of them answered she doesnt have a resolution and that she thinks its just Nonsense or somewhat Childlike , she knows she will end up not following the List . I suddendly blurted out that she was the one stupid, if she know by heart she cant do the thin on her list, why have it listed on the first place . Then i realized , the past few years , I WAS THINKING ALIKE WITH THIS GIRL! Saying i cant do all these things on the list , ITS JUST TOO HARD AND IMPOSSIBLE. It seems like i was saying i was "STUPID" for having thought of that before.
So here i am , Welcoming 2014 with BIG BIG BANG OF RESOLUTIONS . Starting with BEING POSITIVE!
Peace ^_^
•• King Moimoi ••